- Separation Support
- Counselling
- Mental Health Support
- Relationships and Sexuality Education
- Relationships and Parenting Courses
- First Nations Services
If you are at all unhappy with any part of our service please do not hesitate to provide us with the relevant feedback.
In the first instance, we recommend talking to the person involved. If you are uncomfortable doing so or have done so and are not satisfied with the outcome, please raise it with one of our managers.
If you would like to escalate it further, please contact the CEO:
Interrelate CEO,
PO Box 6307,
Baulkham Hills NSW 1755
If you still don’t feel your complaint has been resolved, you are welcome to contact the relevant funding body.
For complaints related to Family Law Services (Mediation, Children’s Contact Services and Parenting Orders Program), please contact the Attorney General’s Department:
Family Law Services Section Attorney-General's Department Robert Garran Offices
3–5 National Circuit
Barton ACT 2600
For complaints related to Counselling, Specialised Family Violence and Family Mental Health Support Service, please contact the Department of Social Services:
DSS Feedback
GPO Box 9820
Canberra ACT 2601